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Class 11 Compulsory English New Models SHORT QUESTION answer English All from New Set book

1. Write short answers to the following questions.[5x2=10]

a. Why did Makar disclose that he had killed the merchant? (God Sees the Truth but


Makar disclosed that he had killed the merchant because he felt ashamed of

himself. He felt pity over Aksionov. Aksionov saved Makar from the governor

though he was a victim of Makar's crime. The act of Aksionov made Makar feel

ashamed and disclose his crime

b. Who is the speaker in the poem? And what is the message of the poem? (Corona


In this poem, the speaker is Corona who has created severe impacts in the lives

of human beings.

c. How does the writer distinguish between a peaceful age and a heroic age? (What

I Require from Life)

The writer distinguishes between a period of peace and a period of heroism, and

compares two different periods: he calls the moment of birth a period of peace

and his youth as a period of heroism. When the First World War broke out (22

years old), he wanted to live in peace but devoted himself to the heroic war.

d. In what sense are we the players in the world stage? (All the World's a Stage)

We are the players in the world stage in the sense that we perform different roles

here in this world stage. We play seven different roles in our entire lifetime and

finally depart from this world stage.

e. How do the women's perspectives on men differ? (Trifles)

Men's arrogance and dominance are on display in this play. They have

demonstrated their superiority over women. We think they're showy and

pointless. Most of the time, they make fun of women. Throughout the

investigation, men constantly mock women's perspectives. All men do not take

women's acts and discussions seriously. Women's perspectives are taken as

trifles by men.

1. Write long answers to the following questions. [2x5=10]

a. Draw the character sketch of Jonathan Jwegbu. (Civil Peace)

Jonathan is quite an optimistic person who has been faith in God. He always

utters a line in the name of god saying that " Nothing puzzles God". He becomes

quite delighted to find miracles in his life. He never lives in disparity. He is a

hardworking person who thinks positively for everyone. He loves his family

members much. At the time of hardship, he tries to save his family first. During

the time of civil peace, he works so hard to restore his life and his family. His

wife and his kids also work so hard to support him. He really enjoys his present,

giving value to his relative as well as his belongings. He never regrets his loss.

He starts the taxi service, repairs his house, opens a bar for soldiers to support

his family.

As an optimistic person, he doesn't regret losing his 20 Pounds which he had

got as a favour from the government.

Hence, Jonathan Iwegbu was the protagonist Central character of the story. He

was an ex-miner who was very labourers, and resourceful. He was also the

responsible head of the family to inspire his family with optimism.


b. The play is a satire on the present day education system. Do you think that our

education system does not prepare students for life? Discuss. (Refund)

Yes, I believe that our educational system does not adequately prepare students

for life. The current educational system is disconnected from the concept of

practical life. It has nothing to do with a practical way of life. It has diverted

people's attention away from creativity and rendered them impractical. In today's

world, there are many educated people with high certificate values who have no

knowledge of anything. They don't even have the ability to guide others. As a

result, the current educational system is producing ineffective workers in a

variety of industries.

Write short answers to the following questions.[5x2=10]

a. What was he afraid of while walking across the carpet? (The Wish)

While walking across the carpet, he was afraid of red and black coloured spots

of the carpet. He supposed the colours of carpet as different things in his

imagination. He thought the red colour spots as the lumps of burning coals and

the black colour spots as the black poisonous snakes. He was afraid to be burnt

down as well as bitten by burning coals and poisonous snakes during its journey.

So, he stepped very carefully only on yellow coloured spots which he thought to

be a safe zone.

b. What are the five blessings' for which Jonathan is grateful? (Civil Peace)

The 'five blessings' for which Jonathan is grateful are: his head, his wife Maria's

head, and the heads of three out of their four children. He is too much delighted

to find his family members safe even after the war.

c. To which two things does the speaker compare his love in the first Stanza? (A

Red, Red Rose)

In this poem, there are four distinct stanzas in which we see speakers

contrasting, admiring, hoping and promising. The speaker compares his beloved

to the young, delicate and lovely red rose of July in the very first stanza. Next, he

compares it to a sweet melody that is played sweetly with a fine-tune. Here,

these contrasts demonstrate the elegance of the speaker's beloved.

d. Is the death really life's greatest invention? (How to live Before you Die)

Yes, death is life's greatest invention, death is inevitable and nobody lives

forever. Nobody wants to die, but everyone shares this intellectual concept.

Death is a life-changing factor. To overcome this concept, everyone must face

this bitter reality.

e. What is the difference between oral tradition and literary tradition? (Sharing


An oral tradition is a form of art in which information relating to culture and

values are transmitted from generation to generation through oral means.

Mistakes in oral tradition can be modified and corrected at any time by oral

means. Subsequently, the literary tradition refers to both the written and the

printed tradition in which information is transmitted through written means. Here

in this literary tradition, mistakes are quite difficult to change and correct.

1. Write long answers to the following questions.[2x5=10]

a. Write a summary of the poem 'All the World's a Stage)

The poem "All the World's a Stage" is written by the renowned poet William

Shakespeare and is taken from his play "As You Like It." The poem is also known as

"The Seven Ages Of Man."

The poem contains no rhyme scheme. This type of poem is known as free verse.

This poem employs the following figures of speech: inversion, alliteration,

onomatopoeia, metaphor, repetition, personification, and simile.

The poet describes the seven ages of life by comparing the world to a stage and

each of us to actors on that stage of life. There are seven distinct stages or acts

namely infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, old age, and dotage.

When we are born, we enter the stage, and when we die, we exit. The poem

emphasizes the fleeting nature of life and the futility of man's efforts to amass wealth

and fame because we leave this world empty-handed and as helpless as we entered

it. As a result, accepting life as it comes and playing our roles to the best of our

abilities is the key to living a contented and happy life. The poem teaches us to

appreciate and enjoy every stage and moment of our lives, and to make the most of

what we have.

The poet narrates the seven ages of life by comparing the world to a stage and each

one of us to actors playing an individual role on that stage of life. Our entrance is our

birth and our exit is our death In a lifetime, each one of us plays many parts and

each part is compared to an act in a play.

The first stage is that of an infant who cries. vomiting milk on the nurse's arms.

In the second stage, as a schoolboy, he drags himself unwillingly to school.

In the third stage. man as a lover, sighs in separation and writes poems about his

beloved beauty.

As a soldier, in the fourth stage, he is ready to take strange oaths. The poet

compares him to a fierce leopard who is jealous Of others' honour and is very quick

to quarrel. He is ready to risk his life for a short-lived reputation by jumping in front of

a cannon.

The fifth stage is the justice stage, well-fed with chicken. His appearance is formal

and he looks mature. He uses wise sayings, proverbs and examples from the

modern age. This is where he has reached middle age and gained maturity.

Old age is the sixth stage of a man's life, where he wears pantaloons and slippers on

his feet. He is now thin, lean and weak, and his eyesight too has become weak. His

manly voice has turned into the shrill voice of a child. Where he speaks it appears as

if he were playing upon a pipe or as if he were whistling (due to gaps in his teeth

some of which have fallen out).

The last stage of man's life is dotage. In this stage, he is somewhat senile,

completely dependent on others and helpless like a child as he is now nearing

death. This is the stage of second childhood, as like a child, at this stage a man

needs help with everything. He loses his teeth. eyesight and taste and becomes

forgetful. This completes his part in the play of life, as after this he leaves the stage,

or in other words, he dies.

b. Discuss the setting of the play. Does it have an impact on the theme of the play?


This play is set in Mr. John Wright's abandoned farmhouse. Down in the hollow,

where the road cannot be seen, it is a lonely, gloomy, and cold place. Yes, it has

an effect on the play's theme. This setting depicted the lives of contemporary

American women who used to be bound by their husbands' obligations. They

used to live in isolation and restriction within the confines of their homes. The

house's setting even suggests male dominance over women.

1. Write short answers to the following questions.[5x1=10]

a. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant's garden? (The Selfish


I think the spring season even became sad along with the children. She became

so angry and never came to the giant's garden to find the giant's rudeness and

selfishness against the innocent children.

b. What does the speaker promise at the end of the poem? Why do you think the

speaker does this? (The 'Gift in War time)

At the end of the poem, the speaker promises to meet her lovable person in their

next life. She wants to hold shrapnel as proof to show him the reason behind his

death and their separation. According to her, it will help them to recognize each

other. I think the speaker does this because her love for the absent person is so

deep. She wants to love with him again and again.

c. What was the problem that the nuclear powers had faced? (Scientific Research is

a Token of...)

The nuclear powers had agreed to a moratorium on nuclear weapons testing.

However, they were concerned that if anyone violated the agreement by secretly

testing nuclear weapons underground, they would not be able to detect it.

d. How does the astrologer's manner of dress suit his character? (An Astrologer's


The protagonist of the story is an astrologer. The first part of the story describes

the dress and appearance that the astrologer wears when performing his duties.

He is usually disguised as an astrologer and his forehead is lit with holy ash and

vermilion. He wraps a saffron-coloured turban on his head, his dress and his

appearance match his character and become a point of attraction. The

astrologer easily fools his customers and has clever ways of getting the job

done. He does a functional analysis of human problems.

e. What is the final judgement on Waser Kopf's demand of refund? (Refund)

The final judgement on Waserkopf's refund demand is a rejection of the refund.

The outcome is favourable to all teachers. Except for one, all of the teachers

agree that Wasserkopf's answers are correct. The school's principal declares

Wasserkopf distinction in all subjects. He has received certification and has been

congratulated on his graduation.

1. Write long answers to the following questions.[2x5=10]

a. What human behaviours are responsible for the suffering in people's lives?

(Corona says)

The human behaviours are the sole cause behind all these sufferings of the

people. Due to human egos and bad deeds, the present world is facing a crisis.

Many people have lost their lives during this critical period. Due to their selfish

nature, the earth and its people have faced numerous problems of diseases.

Their so-called egos and wars have snatched the lives of many people.

b. The essayist says 'while there is science, there is hope of survival and well being

for all of us.' Explain. (Scientific Research is a Token of....)

The essayist says ‘While there is science, there is the hope of survival and

wellbeing for all of us.’ According to the essayist, science is our unavoidable

guardian and caretaker because it is the only science capable of ensuring that

we move with time safely. Countries had signed a treaty to refrain from secretly

testing nuclear weapons for the sake of humanity's survival. Countries had

signed a treaty to refrain from secretly testing nuclear weapons for the sake of

humanity's survival. However, science and its scientists ensured the survival of

humanity. It is the only science capable of distinguishing between tremors

caused by nuclear explosions and natural earthquakes. It is the science that can

provide us with new energy sources, mineral deposits, and effective antiterrorism defences. Science's hope for humanity's survival has a broader

significance as well. In the current scenario, both natural and man-made

disasters endanger humanity's safety. Whether it is a tsunami or terrorism,

money alone will not solve the problem. The only hope is for scientific solutions.

Thus, the author has a plethora of reasons to conclude that science is the only

hope for survival.

1. Write long answers to the following questions.[2x5=10]

a. What does the story tell us about the existence of unfair system of justice? (God

Sees the Truth but Waits)

The story tells us about the existence of an unfair system of justice through the

main protagonist's incident of life. Here in this story, a good and innocent man is

wrongly imprisoned on a charge of murder, punished for 26 years and made to

lose everything and his entire life for no fault or crime of his own, but only based

on evidence. He suffers a lot entire his life but get self-realization and dies

peacefully at last.

b. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in

his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences? (How to Live Before You


I think Steve Jobs used the technique of personal storytelling in his speech to

motivate his audience. His speech contains several facts about the difficulties

and struggles of life. He has a very positive impact on the audience. His speech

gives the audience a chance. to literally know the difficulties and struggles

behind a successful life.

Write short answers to the following questions.[5x2=10]

a. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room. (The Oval Portrait)

The portrait that the narrator saw in the room was quite artistic and life-like. The

narrator saw it when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The portrait was oval-shaped

with a beautiful picture of a young girl on it. Its frame was richly decorative. The

young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood. The narrator seemed completely

startled to find the lady's shoulder and head with radiant hair so real. The brushwork

of tints in portrait seemed so real in the portrait.

The narrator felt a sudden impulse to notice that portrait. He closed his eyes once

and opened. He couldn't believe his eyes to see such wonderful artistic creativity.

b. Explain the poem in 'little i' that is related to what he is doing? (Who are you, little


A pun is a joke that reveals different possible meanings of a word. It also refers

to the words that sound alike but have different meanings along with humour.

Here, in the act of the 'little i', we find beautiful use of the pun. The 'little i' is

peering golden sunset of November. The 'little i' or the boy has been presented

here in some high window. Here, 'little i' and 'high' sound alike in rhyme scheme

but create laughter for the readers to find out the meaning. The speaker has

presented 'little i' in some high window's location. Here, the mismatched height

of 'little i' and 'window' has been presented for the act of peering beautiful golden

sunset of November which has created laughter.

c. What is poverty according to Parker? (What is Poverty?)

Poverty, according to Parker, is a lack of hope, better foods, medical care,

proper sanitation, and proper education. It's like an acid that eats away at one's

pride, honour, health, and future.

d. How do Dona Laure and Don Gonzalo feel about each other? (A Sunny Morning)

Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo are irritated with each other at the start of the

play. They lash out at each other with harsh and stinging words. However, when

they establish a friendly relationship, they discover that they are former lovers.

They begin telling their past stories while concealing their true identities. They

don't want to reveal their reality at the age of seventy, preferring to reminisce

about their happy romantic past through their conversations. They like each

other and enjoy their admiration and past stories through fictitious means.

They'd rather meet again in the park.

e. Do you think that Luc is a betrayer of friendship? (Two Little Soldiers)

I think Luc is a betrayer of friendship. If he wasn't a betrayer, he would inform his

friend Jean while going out from the barrack to meet the girl on the working days

like Tuesday and Friday.

1. Write short answers to the following questions.[5x2=10]

a. Why is the speaker saying that 'the children are the most beautiful flowers of all'?

(The Selfish Giant)

The speaker is saying that 'the children are the most beautiful flowers of all'

because he has experienced the presence of children in his garden. He has

observed their simplicity and innocence. He believes that the children are the gift

of beautiful nature and their presence has made the entire garden look so

beautiful and bloom with different kinds of leaves and flowers. He makes the

comparison here to value the children much because he knows the value of

children in his garden than the flowers.

b. What were the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment? (God Sees the


The merchant with whom Aksionov spent the previous night had been found with

his throat cut. Aksionov is suspected because he left the inn before dawn where

he and the merchant stayed. And also the officer found a blood stained knife

from Aksionov’s bag while searching. These were the circumstances that led to

Aksionov’s imprisonment.

c. What is the speaker's attitude toward war? (The Gift in War

The speaker's attitude toward war is quite negative. She has experienced the

terrible war between America and Vietnam. She has lost the most lovable

person of her life due to war. Due to the lack of him, she has been experiencing

pitiable lonely life. She has presented various negative aspects of the war in her


d. What do you think is the main idea of the essay 'What is Poverty?'? Is the main

idea of the essay explicit or implicit?

e. Why are Don Gonzalo and Laura annoyed with each other? (A Sunny Morning)

1. Write long answers to the following questions.[2x5=10]

a. Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you

agree or disagree? Why? (How to Live Before You Die)

Yes, I agree with his views because our love for our work can lead to success. In

order to be great at our job, it is very important that we all love the work we do.

When we can't love what we do, we will not be successful in our work. In this

situation, our work will not make sense to us.

b. Write the summary of the poem 'All the World's a Stage'.

The poem "All the World's a Stage" is written by the renowned poet William

Shakespeare and is taken from his play "As You Like It." The poem is also known as

"The Seven Ages Of Man."

The poem contains no rhyme scheme. This type of poem is known as free verse.

This poem employs the following figures of speech: inversion, alliteration,

onomatopoeia, metaphor, repetition, personification, and simile.

The poet describes the seven ages of life by comparing the world to a stage and

each of us to actors on that stage of life. There are seven distinct stages or acts

namely infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, old age, and dotage.

When we are born, we enter the stage, and when we die, we exit. The poem

emphasizes the fleeting nature of life and the futility of man's efforts to amass wealth

and fame because we leave this world empty-handed and as helpless as we entered

it. As a result, accepting life as it comes and playing our roles to the best of our

abilities is the key to living a contented and happy life. The poem teaches us to

appreciate and enjoy every stage and moment of our lives, and to make the most of

what we have.

The poet narrates the seven ages of life by comparing the world to a stage and each

one of us to actors playing an individual role on that stage of life. Our entrance is our

birth and our exit is our death In a lifetime, each one of us plays many parts and

each part is compared to an act in a play.

The first stage is that of an infant who cries. vomiting milk on the nurse's arms.

In the second stage, as a schoolboy, he drags himself unwillingly to school.

In the third stage. man as a lover, sighs in separation and writes poems about his

beloved beauty.

As a soldier, in the fourth stage, he is ready to take strange oaths. The poet

compares him to a fierce leopard who is jealous Of others' honour and is very quick

to quarrel. He is ready to risk his life for a short-lived reputation by jumping in front of

a cannon.

The fifth stage is the justice stage, well-fed with chicken. His appearance is formal

and he looks mature. He uses wise sayings, proverbs and examples from the

modern age. This is where he has reached middle age and gained maturity.

Old age is the sixth stage of a man's life, where he wears pantaloons and slippers on

his feet. He is now thin, lean and weak, and his eyesight too has become weak. His

manly voice has turned into the shrill voice of a child. Where he speaks it appears as

if he were playing upon a pipe or as if he were whistling (due to gaps in his teeth

some of which have fallen out).

The last stage of man's life is dotage. In this stage, he is somewhat senile,

completely dependent on others and helpless like a child as he is now nearing

death. This is the stage of second childhood, as like a child, at this stage a man

needs help with everything. He loses his teeth. eyesight and taste and becomes

forgetful. This completes his part in the play of life, as after this he leaves the stage,

or in other words, he dies.

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